The First Flowering
-24000 to -9000 From the ruins of the Days of Thunder arose the first nations of the Proud People - the elves and dwarves - in the region. The elves raised up the nations of Aryvandaar, Ardeep, and Ilythiir. They settled Illefarn along the Sword Coast, from the Spine of the World to the River Delimbiyr - its capital Aelinthaldaar in the shadow of what is now Mount Whralik. Wood elves and moon elves founded the kingdom of Eaerlann in the Delimbiyr Valley and the High Forest, and separatists from Aryvandaar settled Miyeritar in the lands of the present-day High Moor and Misty Forest. The dwarf clans united as the nation of Delzoun, named for its forge-founder, with dwarfholds built on sites ranging from the Ice Mountains to the Nether Mountains and the Narrow Sea, and settlements and halls westward to the Crags and the Sword Mountains. The Proud People regularly defended their homelands against orc hordes that arose from the mountains of the Spine of the World and surged southward to attack and pillage.
Thousands of years after the rise of the great elven nations, hundreds of elf high mages united to cast a spell intended to create a glorious homeland for their race. The spell succeeded, but it rippled backward and forward in time, and the land was sundered, changing the face of the world. The largest continent of this new world is now called Faerûn. Far from its western shores rose the isle of Evermeet, considered a part of Arvandor, the home of the elven gods on the plane of Arborea, and a bridge between worlds.
-12000 to -9200
Some thirteen thousand years ago, war broke out between the elven nations of Aryvandaar and Miyeritar, beginning a series of conflicts known as the Crown Wars. Lasting some three thousand years, these conflicts culminated in the Dark Disaster, in which terrible storms engulfed Miyeritar, turning it into a wasteland within a single season, leaving behind the area now known as the High Moor. The high mages of Aryvandaar are blamed for the destruction, although no proof was ever produced.The vengeful dark elves of Ilythiir turned to corrupt and demonic powers, unleashing them against Aryvandaar. In the centuries of destruction that followed, elf priests and high mages fervently prayed to Corellon Larethian and the gods of the elven pantheon for salvation.
Corellon interceded in the Crown Wars and cursed the dark elves so that they might never dwell comfortably under the sun. Now finding themselves pained by exposure to daylight, the drow - in a mere two months' time - retreated from the sunlit lands of the world above into the Underdark. They abandoned all loyalty to the elven gods who betrayed and banished them, turning instead to Lolth, the Demon Queen of Spiders, as their patron. Wars soon began between the drow and the underground cities of the dwarves.
The Age of Humanity
-9000 to 1358
For millennia following the end of the Crown Wars, humans spread and settled throughout Faerûn as the elven and dwarven nations stagnated and then began a long, slow decline. Deep in the Underdark, the drow fought wars of survival and conquest in their new domain.
-3830 to -339
More than five thousand years ago, a group of human fishing villages on the shores of the Narrow Sea joined under the rule of the shaman-king Nether, becoming known as the empire of Netheril. The Netherese learned the use of magic from the Eaerlanni elves and became renowned wizards. Centuries later, they discovered the arcane texts known as the Nether Scrolls in the ruins of Aryvandaar and subsequently abandoned the practices of the Eaerlanni in order to procure even greater magical power.Netheril grew to become an invincible nation of magic and wonders, dominating much of the North for three thousand years. Then the power-mad Netherese arcanist Karsus attempted to usurp the role of the goddess of magic. The resulting disruption in the fabric of magic sent Netheril's floating cities crashing to the ground, destroyed a host of other wards and enchantments, and brought about the end of the great empire.
-339 to 1032 THE GREAT CITIES
In the decades and centuries following the collapse of Netheril, many cities of the Sword Coast and the North, such as Illusk and Citadel Sundbarr, took in refugees from the fallen empire, and new settlements made up entirely or primarily of human survivors from Netheril and their descendants were established throughout the North and in the Western Heartlands. Nearly fifteen hundred years ago, the human settlers of the Dalelands and the elves of Cormanthor pledged their alliance in an agreement known as the Dales Compact.
A monument called the Standing Stone was erected to mark the occasion, and the advent of Dalereckoning was decreed, beginning with the year 1 DR. This method of numbering the years in Toril's history has spread across Faerûn and is commonly understood (if not universally accepted). The city of Neverwinter - called Eigersstor when it was a mere settlement-was founded in 87 DR. On the banks of the River Raurin, the humble community of Silverymoon Ford came into being in 384 DR, and less than two centuries later it had grown to become the city of Silverymoon. In 882 DR, a village and trading post on the shore of a deep bay in the shadow of a great mountain was named Nimoar's Hold, after the Uthgardt chieftain who claimed the area and fortified it. The place became known to sea captains as "Whralik," a name that displaced the original within a few generations. In 1032 DR, Ahghairon, heir to the arts of Netheril, saved the city from itself by unseating Whralik's warlord and would-be emperor, Raurlor. Ahghairon declared that wisdom, not strength of arms, would rule in the city from now on, and created the Lords of Whralik. These and other nations and great city-states rose to prominence along the Sword Coast, forming a chain along the Trade Way from Illusk in the far north to Baldur's Gate in the south, near the borders of Arnn. Like their elven and dwarven predecessors, they fought off attacks by savage humanoids, including orc hordes from the Spine of the World. Whralik, guided by its mysterious Lords, became a rising power, while old Illusk fell to the orcs for decades, until it was eventually reclaimed and the city of Luskan built upon its ruins.
In 1358 DR, the gods were cast out of their otherworldly domain and made to wander the land incarnated as mortals. In seeking to recover their divinity, they warred among themselves. Magic became unpredictable, and the prayers of the faithful went unanswered. Some of the gods-turned-mortal were slain, while a handful of mortals ascended to godhood, assuming the responsibilities of the dead deities.
The Present Age
1358 to 1489
The four and a half centuries since the establishment of the Lords of Whralik have been tumultuous times for Faerûn and the world. Throughout this period, civilization struggles against the savage forces of chaos, and life attempts to persevere against the agents of death and strife, sometimes in places where even the gods themselves have not been exempt from destruction. The last one hundred fifty years have comprised one of the most cataclysmic periods in Faerûn's history. On no fewer than three occasions, Toril has been shaken to its core by forces that have repeatedly rewritten the laws of reality.
In 1358 DR, the gods were cast out of their otherworldly domain and made to wander the land incarnated as mortals. In seeking to recover their divinity, they warred among themselves. Magic became unpredictable, and the prayers of the faithful went unanswered. Some of the gods-turned-mortal were slain, while a handful of mortals ascended to godhood, assuming the responsibilities of the dead deities.
In 1374 DR, the Empire of Netheril rose again when the floating city of Thultanthar, commonly known as Shade, returned from a nearly two-thousand-year-long excursion in the Shadowfell, to hover above the Anauroch desert. The shadow-touched nobles of the city almost immediately began hunting for ancient Netherese ruins and artifacts and preparing for a restoration of their once-great empire.
1385 THE SPELLPLAGUE In 1385 DR, the ascended deity Cyric, aided by Shar, murdered Mystra, the goddess of magic, in her domain of Dweomerheart. This act ripped asunder the fabric of magic in the world, unleashing its raw power in a catastrophe called the Spellplague. Thousands of practitioners of the Art were driven mad or killed, while the face of Faerûn was reshaped by waves and veils of mystic blue fire. Entire nations were displaced or exchanged with realms from other worlds, and parts of the earth were torn free to float in the air.
1482 THE SECOND SUNDERING A century after the Spellplague, the lands and peoples of Faerûn had become accustomed to the state of things - just in time for everything to change again. The first indication of new turmoil came in 1482 DR, when Bhaal, the long-dead god of murder, was reborn in Baldur's Gate amid chaos and bloodshed, leaving two of the city's dukes and many of its citizens dead. The return of Bhaal and his apparent reclamation of the domain of murder from Cyric led some scholars and sages to believe that the rules by which all deities must abide were in flux. In 1484, strange calamities began to occur throughout Faerûn. An earthquake struck Iriaebor. A plague of locusts afflicted Arm. Droughts gripped the southern lands as the sea steadily receded in places. Amid this tumult, conflict broke out in many regions of the continent. The orcs of Many-Arrows warred against the dwarfholds of the North and their allies. Sembia invaded the Dalelands, and Cormyr raised an army to come to the aid of the Dalesfolk. Netheril brought forces to Cormyr's border, and Cormyr was drawn into a war on both fronts. Throughout this period, tales began to spread of individuals who had been touched by the gods and granted strange powers. Some of these so-called Chosen were at the root of the conflicts that grip the land. Some seemed driven by divine purpose, while others claimed to be mystified as to why they would be singled out. In 1485, in Icewind Dale, the Chosen of Auril foments war with Ten-Towns and was defeated. In Anauroch, seeing that Netherese forces were spread thin, the long-subjugated Bedine people rebelled. Having defeated or besieged the dwarfholds of the North, orcs march on Silverymoon. In Cormyr and Sembia, the Netherese and the Cormyreans traded ground, while the Dalelands became a war zone. As if to offset the drought in the south, in the autumn of 1485 the Great Rain began to fall around the Sea of Fallen Stars and continued unceasingly. While the waters rose to the east in early 1486, the tide turned against the orcs in the North, and by the end of the year their armies were broken and scattered. Also during that year, the elves of Myth Drannor came to the aid of the Dalelands and helped push back Sembian forces. On the Sword Coast, the Hosttower of the Arcane rose again in Luskan, along with the Arcane Brotherhood. In Whralik and Neverwinter, efforts were made to clear those cities of century-old rubble and neglect. Cormyr repulsed the last of the Sembian and Netherese forces from the nation, reclaiming its territory, and recalled its forces, turning inward to address issues of rebuilding. Late in 1486, the Great Rain finally abated, but this event didn't signify an end to the chaos.
The Sea of Fallen Stars had grown, submerging great swaths of land beneath its waves. Early in 1487, earthquakes and volcanic eruptions abounded for months, as if the whole world was convulsing. Rumors spread of chasms caused by the Spellplague suddenly vanishing, and stories circulated of known destinations being farther away from one another, as if the world had quietly added miles of wilderness to the distance between them. Word began to spread of places and peoples not heard from since the Spellplague. It became apparent that some of the effects of that terrible time had been reversed. During the year, ships claiming to be from Evermeet, Lantan, and Nimbral - nations thought vanished or destroyed - sailed into ports on the Sword Coast and in the Shining South. Tales spread of the legendary skyships of Halruaa being spotted in southern skies. No longer engaged in Cormyr, Netheril attacked Myth Drannor by floating the City of Shade over it. In a struggle for control of Myth Drannor's mythal and the Weave itself, the flying capital of Netheril was brought crashing down on Myth Drannor, resulting in the cataclysmic destruction of both. As the year drew to a close, there were nights when the heavens seemed to hang motionless. Throughout much of Faerûn, the winter of 1487 and 1488 lasted longer than any on record. The solstices and equinoxes had somehow drifted. Later seasons followed suit, with each starting and ending later than expected. Prayers to the gods for knowledge and mercy seemed to go unacknowledged, apart from the presence of their Chosen. Although the orcs were defeated in the North, the League of Silver Marches was disbanded in 1488, as former allies blamed one another for failures in the war. Sembia divided into separate city-states only nominally allied with one another. While a handful of settlements survived, the Netherese Empire was no more. The remainder of the Netherese forces battle with the Bedine over control of the Memory Spire, thought to be a tomb of the phaerimm, Netheril's ancient enemies. The battle awakens what turns out to be a hive of the creatures, and they use the life and magic-draining power of the spire against the lands below. By 1489, many of the wars that began during the Sundering had ground to a close. Other conflicts arose, and mighty threats still imperiled the world, but the deities ceased interfering with the world through their Chosen. The gods were no longer silent but quiet, and in many places new priesthoods arose to interpret the gods' now subtle signs.
About 2,200 BD - 2,000 BD THE SCHISM After the cataclysmic event known as the Calamity, Toril was left in a state of desrepair, the earth hounded in elemental chaos. The elves; one of whom still lived, voyaged long to the new world created after its desruction by the Primordial Titans. In this, a breath of hope filtered to the lungs of many. Chult now lay in deserted ruins, but in the ancient temples of Shammel; hope arose in the songs of rebirth through death, and a prophecy was seen through the firey tongues of Torm, allowing those to witness a world of heroes ushered in by the Phoenix.
About 2,000 BD BETRAYER GODS IMPRISONED The Prime Deities took up arms, and also gave the mortals knowledge of arcane magic so they could defend themselves without the aid of divine power. The traitorous mortals were driven back, the Betrayer Gods were banished to their own prison-like planes, and the Primordials were destroyed a
nd scattered to their own planes. 1,982 BD VASSELHEIM, THE CITY OF DAWN FOUNDED After the Prime Deities' victory, Vasselheim, the Dawn City, was founded, the first and oldest surviving bastion of civilization. 1,897 BD TORAMUNDA FOUNDED The great city of Toramunda is founded around Mount Ygora. 1,770 BD AEOR FOUNDED The magical floating cities of Aeor are founded in northern Wildemou
nt. 1,635 BD CAEL MORROW FOUNDED The elven city of Cael Morrow is founded in Marquet. 1,392 BD TORAMUNDA SPLIT The great city of Toramunda split into two sister cities. The arcane city of Avalir was lifted to the skies, and the druidic city of Cathmoíra remained behind. 1,278 BD MOLAESMYR FOUNDED The elven city of Molaesmyr is founded within the Veluthil Forest of northern Wildemount. 1,009 BD RAVEN QUEEN ASCENDED A mortal mage created rites to challenge the God of Death. She felle
d him and ascended to godhood, and she took his place in the pantheon and became the Raven Queen. The other gods quickly destroyed the secrets to the ritual.
992 BD
Inspired by the Raven Queen's ascension, archmage Vespin Chloras unsealed the Betrayer Gods from their prisons. They turned on Vespin and made him their first thrall.
990 BD
The Betrayer God settlement of Ghor Dranas is founded in eastern Wildemount.
895 BD
The Betrayer Gods and their forces made an early and surprise attack on Vasselheim, but the city repulsed them with backup from the Prime Deities. The siege lasted for 20 days and nights, reducing much of the city to rubble. After the siege, the surviving people of Vasselheim began rebuilding their Dawn City.
About 800 BD - 600 BD
Both the Prime Deities and Betrayer Gods crafted powerful artifacts known as the Vestiges of Divergence for their most trusted champions.
About 700 BD - 0 PD THE CALAMITY The Calamity was the war fought by the Prime Deities against the Betrayer Gods at the end of the Age of Arcanum. Lasting for possibly at least a century, it ended the Age of Arcanum and resulted in the Divergence, in which the Betrayer Gods were all banished from Exandria, the Divine Gate was constructed, and the Prime Deities permanently left Exandria as well. Only one-third of Exandria's population survived. All civilizations aside from Vasselheim were destroyed and, with them, most records, technology, and magical research. 541 BD FALL OF AEOR A battle of the Gods caused the collapse and destruction of the floating cities of Aeor. 498 BD MORKHJEM FOUNDED A large group of dwarves located in central Wildemount fled underground in hopes of escaping the Calamity and founded Morkhjem. 240 BD
CAEL MORROW RAVAGED In a blow from Gruumsh that could have broken the continent of Marquet, only the elven city of Cael Morrow is destroyed thanks to a great sacrifice. The End of Pre-Historic Times
THE DIVERGENCE Eventually, the Prime Deities, along with their followers defeated the Betrayer Gods. The Divergence represents the creation of the Divine Gate, a barrier that prevented the Gods from returning to the Material Plane and thereby diminished their influence on Exandria. It marks the end of the Age of Arcanum.
0 PD - 595 PD
The gods have sealed themselves behind the Divine Gate allowing the people of Exandria to build a world for themselves.
5 PD CULTIVATING OF THE DIVIDING PLAINS Halflings began farming in the Dividing Plains and the foothills of the Cliffkeep Mountains in soon-to-be Gwessar. 12 PD GWESSAR FOUNDED The continent of Gwessar is founded and reclaimed by the native elves and dwarves. The dwarves founded the city of Kraghammer, and the elves returned with their city from the Feywild and established Syngorn. 35 PD DWARVEN POWER IN WILDEMOUNT
Morkhjem is renamed Sprekkhjem. Grimgolir and Uthodurn are officially founded.
79 PD
The floating dragonborn cities of Draconia were established in southeastern Wildemount above the Dreemoth Ravine.
135 PD
Halflings of Wildemount began cultivating the land of Western Wynandir, founding the Felderwin Tillage.
227 PD ANK'HAREL FOUNDED The primarily human city of Ank'Harel was founded under the rule of J'mon Sa Ord in the deserts of Marquet. 348 PD EMON FOUNDED Humans sailed from Issylra to the western coast of Gwessar; their first settlement was the port city of O'Noa. They continued to spread until they controlled all the western shores, and founded the city of Emon. 380 PD WITTEBAK FOUNDED Following the success of humans in Gwessar, Rock Gnomes from Issylra traveled across the Ozmit Sea, founding the city of Wittebak in the Cliffkeep Mountains. 387 PD
The city of Westrunn is settled and founded by humans travelling east from the Bladeshimmer Shoreline in Gwessar.
412 PD
Humans from Marquet travelled across the seas to establish a trade route in Wildemount, founding Port Damali.
488 PD
Zadash, a community under guard of the Julous family was founded by humans that travelled east into Wildemount.
501 PD WITTEBAK SACKED Wittebak is sacked by Hill Giants of the Cliffkeep Mountains. Refugees flee to Kraghammer. 508 PD INDEPENDENCE OF THE CLOVIS CONCORD
Marquessian settlements on the Menagerie Coast of Wildemount granted independence by J'mon Sa Ord of Ank'Harel, officially founding the Clovis Concord.
522 PD DRUVENLODE ESTABLISHED The primarily human mining town of Druvenlode was established in Western Wynandir of Wildemount. 544 PD TORTHIL FOUNDED The town of Torthil was founded on the edge of the Ivyheart Thicket in central Gwessar. 562 PD RISE OF WARREN DRASSIG Warren Drassig rose to power in Emon, established the Kingdom of Drassig, severed diplomatic ties with Syngorn, and made new alliances with Kraghammer. The people of Gwessar become oppressed by his tyrannical rule. An elven royal attempted to resolve things diplomatically, but was tortured and killed, kicking off the Scattered War in Gwessar. 562 PD - 595 PD THE SCATTERED WAR A full-fledged war ignites in the continent of Gwessar between power-hungry humans of Emon allied with the dwarves of Kraghammer and the rebellious inland humans allied with the elves of Syngorn. 564 PD EMERALD OUTPOST ESTABLISHED Syngornian elves established the hidden Emerald Outpost to keep an eye on Drassig's rule. 571 PD O'NOA DEVASTED The disputed port city of O'Noa is destroyed in one of the most violent battles of an already brutal war. The battle left the entire city in ruins, cursed and barren: a monument to the devastation of the Scattered War. 581 PD TORTHIL DESTROYED, RISE OF NEMINAR DRASSIG The wood elves and their allies from human colonies oppressed by the Kingdom of Drassig ambushed and killed Warren Drassig at the village of Torthil, leading to a battle that devasted the town. Warren's son Neminar succeeded him, and Neminar used dark magic to augment his forces. 590 PD RISE OF TRIST DRASSIG A rebellion leader named Zan Tal'Dorei rallied the resistance, lured Neminar Drassig's forces into the Verdant Expanse, and crushed them there. Warren Drassig's youngest son, Trist, succeeded Neminar. Trist called upon demonic forces to aid his assaults. 594 PD BATTLE OF UMBRA HILLS Zan Tal'Dorei's forces backed King Trist Drassig's forces into a valley at the base of the Cliffkeep Mountains, but a flood of fiends poured into the battlefield. Against all odds, Zan Tal'Dorei's forces prevailed, ending the Drassig bloodline, the infernal pact the Drassigs had made, and the Scattered War. The blood of the demons thereafter blackened the grass and flowers that grow there, and the area became known as the Umbra Hills; the energies unleashed killed the forest in the valley, afterward known as the Grey Valley. 1 RISE OF ZAN TAL'DOREI After victory was taken in the Umbra Hills against Drassig's forces, any that remained throughout Gwessar scattered. The leaders of the Verdant Expanse convened a council, crowned Zan Tal'Dorei as Sovereign in a power-sharing arrangement, and named the continent Tal'Dorei. 6 REXXENTRUM FOUNDED The city of Rexxentrum was founded over the ruins of an ancient temple to Pelor is Western Wynandir in Wildemount. 14
20 Duscar
20 Duscar
Errevon the Rimelord, an elemental ice titan, takes advantage of a celestial solstice and opens a rift from the Frostfell to what will later be called the Frostweald, beginning the Icelost Years. With an army of frost giants and sentient blizzards, Errevon conquers most of the continent of Tal'Dorei.
Groups of wandering protectors against the elements banded together to fight Errevon the Rimelord, forming the Ashari.
20 Duscar
The Council of Tal'Dorei convinced Syngorn and Kraghammer to join in an alliance against Errevon, and together their forces battled Errevon back through the rift, which the Ashari druids sealed shut. The victory was later celebrated annually as the Winter's Crest festival.
A powerful dark magic corrupted the city of Molaesmyr from the center and spread rapidly to the Veluntil Forest, tainting the fauna and flora. The surviving elves of the city renamed the Veluntil Forest the Savalierwood and retreated northeast to Uthodurn.
Tz'aarm and the hobgoblin empire of the Iron Authority is established in the southern jungles of Tal'dorei.
Bright Queen Leylas Kryn led the drow elves of Xhorhas to the surface, founding the city of Rosohna atop the ruins of Ghor Dranas and establishing the Kryn Dynasty.
Manfried Dwendal is crowned as the first emperor of the Dwendalian Empire. He soon bans worship that did not promote the interests of the empire.
497 Horisal
Emperor Manfried Dwendal had leaders of various faiths executed after they attempted to usurp the throne in rebellion against his religious restrictions.
497 Dualahei
The Julous Dominion based in Zadash, attempting to cement their rule over the area around what would be Kamordah, drives independent villagers nearby into the Cyrios Mountains.
497 Thunsheer
498 Fessuran
The Dwendalian Empire declares war on the Julous Dominion, kicking off the 16-month Marrow War. A High Cleric of the Julous Dominion makes a pact with a devil of the Nine Hells to protect against the Empire. Devils and undead swarmed the Marrow Valley, which did offer protection against the Empire but also menaced the residents.
497 Duscar CLARET ORDERS ESTABLISHED The Claret Orders were founded to combat the devils and undead brought forth by the Julous Dominion. While a politically-neutral faction, this paved the way for the Dwendalian Empire to strike the Dominion. 498 Thunsheer SACKING OF ZADASH, END OF MARROW WAR After the hellish and undead forces of the Julous Dominion were diminished by the Claret Orders, the Dwendalian Empire succeeds in their occupation of Zadash. Baron Inock Julous and Baroness Tessandra Julous are executed, bringing an end to the Marrow War. Julous territory is claimed by the Empire. 561
KYMAL FOUNDED A gold rush in the Ironseat Ridge of Tal'dorei made Kymal of the Dividing Plains into a boom town. 566 OAKHURST FOUNDED The small farming village of Oakhurst is founded near the Giggum Tobacco Farm. 582
THE CLASP ESTABLISHED The criminal syndicate known as the Clasp is established in Tal'Dorei. 587 WHITESTONE FOUNDED Whitestone is founded by an expedition led by the de Rolo family after they discovered the Sun Tree, a beautiful remnant of the Calamity. 625 DARKTOW FOUNDED Darktow Isle becomes a haven for sailors coming from Tal'Dorei and Marquet to Wildemount. 658 SHADYCREEK RUN FOUNDED Parts of the Savalirwood in Wildemount becomes a haven for criminals, leading to Shadycreek Run, and shortly after, Ten-Towns in the Crystalsands Tundra to the north, being established. 684 LIBERATION OF XHORHAS The Kryn Dynasty began freeing the beastfolk of the Wastes of Xhorhas from their curses and tethers to the Betrayer Gods, forming a strong alliance between the drow of the Kryn and the native beastfolk of the Wastes in Wildemount. The cities of Jigow and Asarius are established as Kryn Territories.
727 MYRIAD ESTABLISHED Wildemount's largest criminal organization, the Myriad is established. 754 CINDER KING ATTACKS TAL'DOREI Thordak the Cinder King, a mighty Red Dragon lays waste to several parts of western Tal'Dorei, ultimately getting defeated and banished to the Elemental Plane of Fire by a group of powerful mages.
Skirmishes began between the Dwendalian Empire and Kryn Dynasty, and escalated over the next three decades.
The Briarwoods slaughtered the de Rolo family and seized control of Whitestone.
764 VOX MACHINA FORMED Grog Strongjaw, Keyleth, Scanlan Shorthalt, Tiberius Stormwind, Vax'ildan, Vex'ahlia, and Trinket formed the group that would eventually become Vox Machina in the swamp city of Stilben in eastern Tal'Dorei. 765 5 Duscar SALVATION OF WHITESTONE Vox Machina rallies the people of Whitestone and reclaims Whitestone for the de Rolos. 765 26 Duscar 766 8 Misuthar REIGN OF THE CHROMA CONCLAVE The Chroma Conclave, a prominent alliance of chromatic dragons invade Emon, destroying most of the city. Thordak, the Cinder King takes residence over Emon and much of the Bladeshimmer Shoreline. The other dragons spread throughout the world and wreak havoc. 770 16 Misuthar DEATH OF VOX MACHINA The group the would become known as Vox Machina met for the first time in the Cloudtop District of Emon. And would subsequently die following their successful irradication of the Chroma Conclave
790 20 Dualahei 790
28 Dualahei A XHORHASIAN REBIRTH and Civil War in Tal'Dorei
26 Unndilar
The Nightmare in Ivory BEGINS
Ten-Towns in the north is in an everlasting night and winter that oppresses the people there.
20 Thunsheer
A group of ragtag would-be heroes are taken prisoner by the Children of Malice amid a mysterious demon incursion.
795 3 Brussendar BATTLE OF THE SHEPHERDS and the Heroes of the Veil Ravagers banded together to form a massive Gruumsh-allied army that attacked Emon. The Arms of Emon defended the city and won against the Ravagers in what would become the village of Westruun