The Maiden's Journey was Act I of the Trials of the Chosen. This book was birthed due to the effects of COVID-19.
My D&D Group for Campaign II: The Pillars of Eternity was able to play virtually; however, the unfortunate effects of the virtual play could not live up to the live play that we were so accustomed to. So, after much consideration, the group disbanded. I was left with piles of notes left over, wondering how the story would end. We were approaching the final act of my three-act story. Act III: The Trials of the Chosen. And so, I wrote. I wrote the final session. And then, I wrote the next. And the next. Until an idea formed; I could write a book.
And so I wrote. I wrote the perspectives I was incapable of presenting to my players. I wrote until I realized I could keep doing this. And so, I brought one-off characters into the mix, filling in the content that my players were never able to visit or see the character arcs of villains, and grey characters. And finally, the Maiden's Journey was created.
It has been two years since I completed this book. I want to provide those who have been unable to read it, the opportunity to do so. So here's the Maiden's Journey, online edition. I have reprinted this edition with new art, and a new synopsis as well (plus, I fixed many editing issues). This was my first book, so I do apologize for the many errors. But! I want you to see my progress from this book to Act II: The Scattered War. I feel as though I have grown tremendously throughout the process of being an author. And much of that is thanks to readers like you!